This is one of the simple easy recipe. I got this Aloo bartha from one of my bengali friend. This is there usual side dish they have in Bengal, Bihar some of the north Indian Parts. First time when i tasted it I loved it. The only different is the mustard oil that gives the mustard falour to it and offcouse potato tastes good with what ever we mix with it. :) !! I'm from Karnataka and never tried making any recipe with mustard oil. But in North India Most of the dishes they add mustard oil only.
I'm sending this Aloo Bartha Recipe to Sia's - Monsoon Spice for her Ode To Potato and to DK - Culinary Bazaar to her event The Potato Fe(a)st. I'm so gald to send this recipe as this 2008 is a year of , International Year of the Potato (IYP) by United Nations to raise awareness of Solanum Tuberosum. Thank you Sia and DK for your effort to make it and letting us know about the importance of potatoes.
Some of the facts of Potatoes,
The potato belongs to the Solanaceae or nightshade family whose other members include tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, and tomatillos. This sentiment probably inspired the potato's scientific name, Solanum tuberosum, since solanum is derived from a Latin word meaning "soothing".
There are about about 100 varieties of edible potatoes. They range in size, shape, color, starch content and flavor. They are often classified as either mature potatoes (the large potatoes that we are generally familiar with) and new potatoes (those that are harvested before maturity and are of a much smaller size)
A baked potato is an exceptionally healthful low calorie, high fiber food that offers significant protection against cardiovascular disease and cancer.
Food ranking system qualified potatoes as a very good source of vitamin C, a good source of vitamin B6, copper, potassium, manganese, and dietary fiber. Potatoes also contain a variety of phytonutrients that have antioxidant activity. Among these important health-promoting compounds are carotenoids, flavonoids, and caffeic acid, as well as unique tuber storage proteins, such as patatin, which exhibit activity against free radicals.
- Blood-Pressure Lowering Potential.
- Vitamin B6-Building Cells.
- Vitamin B6-Brain Cell and Nervous System Activity.
- Vitamin B6-Cardiovascular Protection.
- Vitamin B6-Athletic Performance
Whether mashed, baked or roasted, often consider potatoes as comfort food. It is an important food staple and the number one vegetable crop in the world. Potatoes are available year-round as they are harvested somewhere every month of the year.
This Aloo bartha taste good only with mustard oil... !! So this was my first try for mustard oil and its yummy !! Its easy and simple to make when your are tired or lazy to cook :D !!...
3 Potatoes of medium size
1/4 tsp Termeric powder
2 tblsp Mustard oil
1/2 tsp mustard
2 Red chillies
2-3 tblsp Coriender leafs/ Cilantro chopped
Salt as per taste
1. Bake the potatoes with the skin in Micro wave for around 4-5 minutes. Orelse boil the potatoes.
2. Peel out the skin of the potatoes, If they are baked in micro wave.
3. In a pan heat up 2 tblsp of mustard oil, add mustard seeds and red chillies. This is just the seasoning.
4. Add the seasoning to the peeled potatoes, add termeric powder, salt, chopped cilantro, and smash them to a smooth paste.
5. Aloo bartha is ready to be eaten with Roti, Chapathi or Rice.. :) !! Enjoy !!

Sending it to Sia's...

And to Dk's..

About Potatoes from - Wikipedia and WHFoods
nice recipe, Archy! I am now all set to buy the mustard oil. Thanks for letting me know about the wonderful flavor. Aloo Bartha looks delicious.
Hi Archy,
I have yestto try this. This is especially eaten with pakode wali kadhi. My Bihari friend makes it.
Not all the north Indians use mustard oil. Generally its used by Kasmiris. We Punjabis use it in only 1-2 dishes. Decades back it was used in cooking but not any more.
We make a very similar side dish called potato masiyal to go with puri or chappathi. Looks great, Archana! :)
mustard oil is a must for bengali's as coconut oil is for mangaloreans:) i too have not tried using mustard oil till date.
thank you for sending this wonderful entry. will look forward to ur mail:)
Gorgeous dish Archy, love the color!:)
nice recipe archana ,my mom use to make this always ,we use to love it a lot
i've never used mustard oil, the color is fabulous!
Hey Archy, the Aloo looks del! Lovely information!
(Here is a link to the best vegan CR..hope u like them, use normal milk in place of soy milk. Tks for leaving so sweet comments!)
Wow, That nice dear..Hurry and try it.. :) thank you !!
Thank you for the information dear :) !!
Wow, is it.. Same dishes known in different names :) !!
Yup.. :D !! Try it it tastes really good For a change from regular dishes !!
Thank you for hosting such a nice event Sia..
Thank you !! color is becouse of Turmeric powder :) !!
Ur familiar with the taste right. Yummy :) !! Thanks..
Try it !! Thanx..
Thank you so much dear !!
Yup, I vil like it.. thank for the link for vegan recipes :).. Its really amazing site !!
Archy, RCI K is just done once and I took the opportunity to host my state quickly last August. It will be not coming around again unless somebody else takes it up again which is unlikly.
If you have any authentic and unique K'taka dish, send it to me and I will add it to that round up, not a problem!:)
Did u say Aloo Bartha!!!!!!! My ears have opened wide and eyes almost popping out at the versatility of Potato and scrumptious recipes made out of them! Bookmarked this recipe. Thanks for sending them my way :)
Thank you so much dear, for taking trouble for me :D !! I vil surely mail u.. !!
Thank you for hosting such a nice event !! Thanx again for ur sweet words dear :)!!
hi archy my first time here..from the round up of potato feast..dk's space.this alu bharta transported me back to my motherland orissa...we oriyas also eat aloobharta and make it with mustard oil....its atypical east indian delicacy:)nice blog archY!
Love mustard oil and love what a beautiful color it gave your finished dish. Mashed potatoes with style, this is!!
Hi.. Thanks for dropping by.. Wow nice to knw that ur from Orissa !!
I can learn some new Oriya dishes Now :) !!
Thank you for ur lovely words, and dropping by !!
Hi Archana,
Today I tried Aloo Bartha for pulka. It tasted like Aloo Paratha. The taste was good and very very easy to prepare.
Thanks for the recipe.
Lovely dish Archy. Will surely try this one.Thanks a lot.
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